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This video introduces the idea of inertia by using a large globe suspended by water. It shows that acceleration requires an unbalanced force and then explains that an objects inertia is its tendency to maintain its motion unless it is acted upon by an unbalanced force. 


This is one of a set of resources developed to support the teaching of the primary national curriculum. They are designed to support the delivery of key topics within science, design and technology, and maths (in this case, mainly science). This resource focusses on the investigation of how the light from a torch (...

This resource contains an unplugged activity to model how home networks work. It builds up to increasingly more complex networks, adding in details such as routers, wifi aceess points and the internet along the way. The lesson plan contains links to the Progression Pathways documentation, and differentiation ideas...

This video models the distance between the Earth and moon using a basketball and tennis ball. It shows that often diagrams we use are not to scale and so can be misleading.


Students use data from different websites to calculate the average speeds for various types of transport and represent these in graphic form to be able to see the relationship between the equation for speed and the slope of a distance time graph. They will begin to discover the concept of relative motion between...

This resource is part of a collection of  Nuffield  Maths resources exploring Algebra. The demand is roughly equivalent to that in  GCE  A level.

In this activity students use functions and graphs to model a relationship between the magnitude of earthquakes and how...

In this activity pupils calculate the height of a released balloon using a clinometer and trigonometry. This is one of a series of resources from the IET designed around the theme of the future of flight with the purpose of developing pupils knowledge and skills in design technology, engineering and mathematics....

This lesson teaches students different uses of 3D printing and highlights the three main parts to the 3D printing process (I.e. design, slice, print).

As London approaches 9 million people we not only have to consider where we get enough clean water to drink but also how we get rid of the waste, and recycle water for drinking and other uses. London is described as a water-stressed city and scientists and technologists need to be very creative to overcome issues...

This unit investigates one of the ways the Arctic is changing as a result of global warming. The sea level rise investigation demonstrates how the melting of different types of ice in the Arctic will affect sea level rise.

This investigation is taken from Digital Explorer Frozen Oceans:...

This video highlights the misconceptions people have about earth orbiting the sun. 30% of Australians think it is one day.


David McCandless is a data journalist and information designer with...

In this activity, learners will recall and extend their understanding of programmable systems.


Published in 2015, a recent study of 7,451 teenagers in Spain examined the correlation between time spent on homework and academic achievement in mathematics and science. Results showed that homework done by the student independently for 60-70 minutes a day yielded the best results. The students had a mean age of...
