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Showing results for "concept cartoons"

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This is a simple investigation where you connect a Geiger Muller tube to a variable voltage supply. You then place an alpha source in front of it and record the count rate for a variety of supply voltages to see how this impacts the count rate.

This resource has been provided by Keith Gibbs.

Gaia is a European Space Agency satellite, mapping one billion stars in the Milky Way. 

This worksheet guides students through some calculations on the power requirements for the Gaia spacecraft, the content is suitable for GCSE and A-level Physics.

A teacher's guide gives worked solutions.

How do humans and animals keep warm in the Arctic? In this lesson children investigate the insulating properties of materials and consider how the adaptations of Arctic organisms help develop these. The context of the lesson is helping to develop new clothing for Tyler Fish, one of the Catlin Arctic Survey...

In this activity children practise using scales to weigh different items of packaging. They then calculate how many of each item could be made from an average tree. 

The resource, which provides an authentic context for maths learning has been proved by the IET, (Institution of Engineering and Technology)....

This worksheet challenges students to gather information from graphs. It provides worked examples, examiners top tips and answers to each question. The resource is useful for teaching maths content in design and technology, or as a maths activity sheet.

In this resource from the IET, pupils learn about density and materials, whilst creating their own density columns and making jingle bells dance. Using Christmas as the context for this STEM experiment, the activity provides detailed guidance and a maze puzzle extension activity.

From the Centre for Science Education, and with support from Shell Education services, these materials help children to investigate light and reflection.

In this activity, children construct a kaleidoscope using plastic mirrors, which are cheap and can be cut with scissors.

Teacher guidance gives...

Produced by the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority in 2005, this resource summarises the requirements for work related learning in England at the time, and was designed to help science teachers plan, implement and evaluate successful teaching programmes that support work related learning. Case studies are...

In this resource students are asked to measure the distances between the seamounts and reefs on a map, convert their readings into kilometres, and plot the data on a graph to calculate the speed of the Australian plate.

The materials contain a detailed presentation, student worksheets and solutions.

This resource uses the packaging and launch of a new medicine as a context for learning about what medicines are, different types of medicine, and how to use graphs to work out the best dose and the best time interval between doses.

This resource, provided by the Association for Science Education (ASE), introduces a group of scientists working in a range of different careers. The resource is part of the SYCD: Science Year Only Connect? collection.

The scientists describe:

*How they got into science
*Where they have worked...

This set of resources allows teachers to challenge students understanding through context set within Network Rail and UK Rail industry. They can be delivered as stand-alone activities to develop STEM skills or embedded within curriculum schemes of learning. 

The Earth's population is increasing, but at the same time the amount of suitable farmland is decreasing due to factors including climate change and the growth of cities. Producing sufficient food to feed everyone is a global challenge. This activity sheet builds on students' knowledge of photosynthesis and plant...

The Science upd8 activity set in the context of the universe. Earlier missions failed to find life on other planets. Is it still worth looking? Can we justify the expense of the search for extra terrestrial intelligence? Students will be deciding just how likely intelligent life elsewhere in the galaxy is.

This activity is designed to support teachers in designing questions or statements which spark the imagination and stimulate a discussion.

The activity helps teachers to create questions that engage students by linking topics they enjoy
talking about, directly with the content being taught.
