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This is a great resource for providing underpinning mathematical knowledge for A level computer science. It is broken down into topics so could be used in small sessions to reinforce understanding. Set theory, numbers, cardinality, cartesian product, regular expressions, vectors and dot product, functions and Big O...

These Mathematics for Engineering exemplars are intended to motivate mathematics teaching and learning, provide support for teachers using contextualised mathematics for the first time, and help students gain fluency in the use of mathematics for practical problem solving. This collection from The Royal Academy of...

This series of textbooks for students from ages five to thirteen, published by Addison Wesley, was written by teachers for students with the aim of inspiring them by giving them a lively sense of interest and pleasure in mathematics and its creative use in everyday living. It was concerned with more than the...

The Schools Council Project in Secondary School Mathematics (renamed Mathematics for the Majority) was set up to help teachers construct courses for students of average and below-average ability that related mathematics to their experience and provided them with some insight into the processes that lie behind the...

A resource from the National Curriculum Council (NCC). This booklet from Her Majesty’s Inspectorate (HMI) was a response to Mathematics from 5 to 16 1985, which was the third in a series intended to stimulate discussion about the curriculum as a whole and about...

This report, from Nuffield Foundation, presents the findings of a research project which mapped the mathematical and statistical content in the assessment of six A level subjects: business studies, computing, economics, geography, psychology and sociology.

Analysis of the summer 2010 examination papers from...

Published by LSIS, this is a case study from the City of Bristol College. It looks at a programme to set up a collaboration with local schools, Nottingham University and local businesses to enhance the professional development of staff and offer new learning experiences for students studying mathematics. The aim...

A report by the Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (ACME) highlighting the opinion that mathematics teaching in the Further Education sector plays a critical role in the delivery of post-16 education, although evidence suggests that this sector remains relatively unknown to policymakers.


A collection of three resources exploring the mathematics used in air travel. Students explore: *Scheduling of aircraft, the construction of timetables and dealing with time zone differences. *Scheduling pilots, using formulae to calculate the working time of pilots. *The use of formulae to calculate flight charges...

A collection of six resources exploring the mathematics used in the production of steel. Students explore the: *Design of tin cans requiring the formation of equations, calculation of the volume of a cylinder and the minimum value for surface area. *Most efficient way to stamp out the template for a drinks can from...

The Education Act 2002 implemented the legislative commitments set out in the White paper Schools Achieving success. It was a substantial and important piece of legislation intended to raise standards, promote innovation in schools and reform education law....

The National Curriculum for Mathematics was introduced into England, Wales and Northern Ireland as a nationwide curriculum for primary and secondary state schools following the Education Reform Act 1988. The purpose of the National Curriculum was to standardise the content taught across schools in order to raise...

The 1989 document was replaced by a revised version, Mathematics in the National Curriculum (1991). A major aim of the revision was to make assessment more manageable, whilst keeping the content of mathematics unchanged. The revisions came into force on 1 August 1992.

The 14 Attainment Targets (ATs) were...

In 1993 Sir Ron Dearing, Chairman of the School Curriculum and Assessment Authority (SCAA), reviewed the whole national curriculum and made recommendations on slimming down the curriculum, and improving its administration. The revised curriculum which was implemented from August 1995 was not to be altered for five...

Although the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) carried out a radical overhaul of the curriculum, the mathematical content hardly changed. Key Stages One, Two and Three had their own Programmes of Study (PoS). Key Stage Four was now divided into Foundation and Higher. The PoS set out what students should...
