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Showing results for "concept cartoons"

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This excel program contains a series of interactive spread sheets designed to explore the concept of a gradient of a curve.

The first activity illustrates that the gradient of a function, at a point P, is the gradient...

This excel program contains a series of interactive spreadsheets designed to explore the concept of a gradient of a curve.

The first activity illustrates that the gradient of a function, at a point P, is the gradient...

This report from Ofsted is of a one day conference for representatives of LEA areas. The theme was good practice in science investigation and enquiry and how this important part of the primary science curriculum could be further enhanced. The report gives the inspection findings and summary of wider findings.


In this activity students explore the probability involved in a particular game involving some special dice. The aim is to explain the reasons behind their findings when playing the game using some straightforward mathematics. Students are required to be familiar with...

These activities cover bivariate data which includes regression and correlation.

[b]Least squares regression[/b] spreadsheet is designed to help students get a feel for drawing a line of best fit through a set of points and to begin to understand the concept of regression. Students are given a set of six...

This unit from the National Strategies is a sequel to the Year Eight multiplicative relationships unit. It provides an opportunity to revise, consolidate and extend ideas introduced in Year Eight and to make links to other mathematical strands, particularly shape and space. Making such links, especially with visual...

This edition of iSquared magazine features:

The shape of time - Vérinique Pagé...

This APU report for teachers presents a summary of the main findings likely to be of most interest to teachers from the first two surveys of students at age 11, conducted in 1980 and 1981. It also offers some conclusions about what students at this age were generally...

The search for life on other worlds is one of the most fascinating contexts that science lessons can have. In this guide, several of the resources focus on practical experiments or investigations that link astrobiology to the science curriculum. In all cases, regular scientific concepts such as factors affecting...

From ARKive, this hands-on activity is designed to remind post-16 students about the concepts of biodiversity, evolution and Darwin’s theory of natural selection. By investigating biodiversity and the process of evolution students learn how traits beneficial for survival are selected for and genetically passed on...

In this biochemistry-based activity students consider why many industrial chemical reactions are being catalysed by enzymes. They find out about an important coenzyme, NADH and act in role as industrial chemists by evaluating the different ways of recycling it.


This assessment task from Bowland requires students to analyse a claim made in an advert encouraging cat owners to have their cat neutered. The claim is made that an unneutered cat can have 2000 descendants in 18 months. Students are given a number of basic facts upon which to base their analysis. Students are...

This edition of the Computing at School newsletter contains articles covering:

*CAS community resources

*BCS Certificate in Computer Science Teaching

*Master Teachers

*Pedagogy in computing teaching and across the curriculum

*The Barefoot Computing project


This resource challenges students to design a spectacular human-powered invention for creating the spark which lights the bio-fuel generator of a newly built state-of-the-art, eco-friendly house. The students need to produce a design for their invention and enough evidence to convince the judges that the device...

In this activity students consider the questions: How does heat energy move around? How can we model the flow of energy and changes in temperature? What can be done to prevent hypothermia? Why do we need to try so hard to stay at the right temperature? In order to survive and be comfortable in hot or cold...
