These resources have been reviewed and selected by STEM Learning’s team of education specialists for factual accuracy and relevance to teaching STEM subjects in UK schools.

Animals and Plants: a Sourcebook of Information and Ideas

This source book of information and ideas is a reference work from the Nuffield Junior Science project, giving precise and accurate information about a variety of living creatures, but also including detailed advice on how to house and care for those which can be kept in the classroom, as well as suggesting ways in which they might be used there.

The project team believed this book to be necessary because previously this kind of information had been widely scattered and often difficult for the non-specialist to find and understand. The hope was that the book would encourage teachers to make wider use of animals and plants as teaching material and spread a better understanding which would lead to greater care and respect for living creatures.


*Part 1: Animals
1. Mammals
2. Foreign finches
3. Amphibia and reptiles
4. Freshwater tropical aquariums
5. Insects

*Part 2: Plants
6. Growing plants in the classroom, greenhouse, and school garden
7. Plant cultivation indoors
8. Plant propagation
9. Notes on selected groups of plants

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