These resources explore science through cross-curricular and whole-school activities.



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Citizenship is now a foundation subject for Key Stage Three and Key Stage Four in England. These resources, from the Association for Science Education (ASE) look at the links between science, politics and business through the context of ozone depletion. An additional resource has since been produced to add to those...

Drama: Radioactivity

This resource, provided by the Association for Science Education (ASE), is a play about the history of radioactivity, and how we discovered its uses and dangers. It was written for students aged 14-16 years on the theme of ideas and evidence.

Drama is very popular with students and can be used to stimulate...

Assembly: Mobile Phones

This assembly activity, provided by the Association for Science Education (ASE), focuses on the controversy surrounding mobile phones. The aim of the SYCD assembly series is to make students more aware of their need for scientific understanding in the world outside school.

Concept Cartoons: Torches

This concept cartoon, provided by the Association for Science Education (ASE), focuses on light. Concept cartoons provide a new approach to teaching, learning and assessment in science, they feature cartoon-style drawings showing different characters arguing about everyday situations. They are designed to intrigue...
