Place Value, Ordering and Rounding

Published by BEAM, this collection provides a selection of resources for teachers of primary and lower secondary mathematics. Included are a number of challenging problems and puzzles, open-ended investigations, cross-curricular activities, and resources to practise and consolidate students' mathematical understanding of place value, ordering and rounding from recognising digits to rounding numbers to the nearest whole.



Showing 7 result(s)

Place Value Activities for Students Aged 9-11

In this activity, published by BEAM, students have to solve mathematical clues to discover a hidden four-digit number. Each place value has a different clue which requires students to solve a problem using a variety of operations including squaring numbers, adding and subtracting decimals and using BODMAS correctly...

Place Value Games for Students: Aged 7-9

Published by BEAM, these games provide opportunities for students to apply their knowledge of place value, number recognition and ordering. *Aim for 500 - in this game both players roll the dice and use the numbers to make two three-digit numbers, then add them up. Whoever gets a total closest to 1500 wins the game...

Place Value Games for Students Aged 11-13

Published by BEAM, these games provide opportunities for students to apply their knowledge of place value, rounding and ordering.

*One or less - involves students choosing numbers including decimals and dividing them to try to make a number close to one or two after rounding.

*Round to a whole -...


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