Place Value, Ordering and Rounding

Published by BEAM, this collection provides a selection of resources for teachers of primary and lower secondary mathematics. Included are a number of challenging problems and puzzles, open-ended investigations, cross-curricular activities, and resources to practise and consolidate students' mathematical understanding of place value, ordering and rounding from recognising digits to rounding numbers to the nearest whole.



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Place Value Activities for Students Aged 5-7

A selection of resources, published by BEAM, for teachers of primary mathematics. They include challenging problems and puzzles, open-ended investigations, cross-curricular activities and resources to practise and develop students' mathematical understanding.

The three activities and their mathematical...

Place Value Games for Students Aged 5-7

Published by BEAM, these games provide opportunities for students to apply their knowledge of place value, number recognition and ordering.

The games, with their mathematical content, are:

*Make a two digit number - comparing two digit numbers

*Numbers in a row - using dice to generate numbers...

Place Value Activities for Students Aged 7-9

Published by BEAM, these two activities can be used to develop students' understanding of ordering and place value using numbers up to 200.

*Jigsaw uses numbers from 101 to 200. Students have to cut out the pieces then arrange them into a ten by ten grid.

*What's in a date? - students have to organise...

Place Value Games for Students Aged 7-9

Published by BEAM, these games provide opportunities for students to apply their knowledge of place value, number recognition and ordering.

*Nearest to 30 - students use dice to generate digits which can then be multiplied by either five or ten to try to reach a set target.

*Nearest to 500 - students...


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