The Space Presentations sub-collection contains three PowerPoint presentations covering various aspects of space. Each presentation has associated video files which are embedded in the presentations. The teachers' notes contains detailed notes describing the contents of each of the presentations. The presentations are: • Guide to Cosmology • Guide to the Universe • Life and Death of Stars



Showing 3 result(s)

A Beginner's Guide to the Universe

This resource provides a general introduction to the Universe starting with the solar system and ending with the way that galaxies are arranged in patterns, the large scale structure of the Universe. The presentation is light on facts, however it aims to introduce general concepts and give a sense of scale to the...

Life and Death of Stars

Starting with the Sun, this resource gives a general introduction through the idea of stars being born, growing old and ending their days in...

A Beginner's Guide to Cosmology

This resource gives a general introduction to cosmology; the branch of science that studies the Universe and attempts to explain how it came...