Mathematical Moments

This collection from the National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM) contains eight resources under the headings of:
* Using Technology Creatively and Appropriately
* Improving Learning in Mathematics
* Using Rich Collaborative Tasks
* Using Cooperative Group Work
* Exposing and Discussing Misconceptions
* Creating Connections Between Topics
* Encouraging Reasoning Rather than ‘Answer Getting’
* Building on the Knowledge Learners Already Have

Many of the resources contain more than one activity covering a range of mathematical topics. Each activity poses several questions for the teacher to consider along throughout the activity and the resources required for the activity are included in the file.



Showing 8 result(s)

Using Technology Creatively and Appropriately

[b]Using positional vocabulary[/b]: the objective of this activity is for students to practise using positional vocabulary. The suggested activity requires students to hide an object in the classroom, then give directions to other students in order to find the missing object. The resource contains many prompts,...

Improving Learning in Mathematics

Classifying shapes:
the objective of this activity is to reflect on the Improving Learning in Mathematics session Mostly Shape and Space Session SS1. The activity asks teachers to consider what knowledge...

Using Rich Collaborative Tasks

[b]Modulus graphs:[/b] the objectives of this activity are to understand the concepts and notation of modulus graphs and to expose common misconceptions in the interpretation of modulus notation. The suggested activity asks groups of students to match function cards with graphs and to explain their thinking....

Using Cooperative Group Work

[b]Functions and their derivatives:[/b] the objective of this activity is to develop skills in working with functions, their derivatives and function notation. The suggested activity begins by asking students to explain what is meant by f'(3) and what is the difference between f(2) and f'(2). There follows a...
