From Teachers TV, this video series shows an innovative project to engage and excite children in science by constructing a mock crime scene investigation. The project, as part of a science week in the school, allows Year Six children to behave like real forensic scientists, discovering a crime scene, collecting evidence, and reaching a verdict.



Showing 4 result(s)

Part 1: Planning the Crime

From Teachers TV, this video shows how four primary teachers plan an innovative project to engage and excite children in science by constructing a mock crime scene investigation. This will allow children to practise skills such as gathering evidence, interpreting data...

Part 2: Collecting the Evidence

From Teachers TV, this video shows an innovative project to engage and excite children in science by constructing a mock crime scene investigation.

A mock crime scene has been discovered by Year Six children at...

Part 3: DNA Fingerprinting

From Teachers TV, this video shows an innovative project to engage and excite children in science by constructing a mock crime scene investigation.

Blood found at the crime scene needs to be analysed. Teachers use...

Part 4: The Verdict

From Teachers TV, this video shows an innovative project to engage and excite children in science by constructing a mock crime scene investigation.

All the suspects are brought before the Year Six children as they...