These resources have been reviewed and selected by STEM Learning’s team of education specialists for factual accuracy and relevance to teaching STEM subjects in UK schools.

Managing STEM Enhancement and Enrichment

From the National Strategies, these documents give advice and guidance on delivering a successful science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) curriculum enrichment and enhancement programme. The documents look at planning, implementing and monitoring an enrichment programme as well as how to make sure it contributes to a whole school development plan. Each document looks at a particular aspect of advice and guidance.

These are:

Managing STEM enhancement and enrichment Suggests some of the issues to consider when considering the development of a STEM enrichment programme. It introduces some of the ideas looked at further in subsequent documents.

Checklist for teachers 

Describes the points that should be considered by teachers leaders when planning and managing a STEM enrichment activity. 

Checklist for subject leaders 

Describes the points that should be considered by curriculum leaders when planning and managing a STEM enrichment activity. 

Checklist for senior leaders 

Suggests the issues to be considered by senior leaders when planning support for a science department’s implementation of a programme of enhancement and enrichment in the science curriculum. The checklist helps to ensure that STEM enhancement is built into the school's development plan.

Carrying out STEM enhancement and enrichment 

A checklist of things to consider before, during and after a STEM enrichment activity. School visits and visitors A document that is suitable for those organising an activity that details some of the points to consider when inviting a visitor into school to take part in a STEM enrichment activity.

Planning a coherent STEM programme 

Suggestions for curriculum leaders to consider when planning a programme of successful STEM enhancement and enrichment activities.

Progression in the STEM programme 

Suitable for subject and senior leaders, this document contains examples of a stepped progression to assist with the long-term planning of a STEM enhancement programme. The strategies following each step suggest what might be done to improve the experiences of students through a coherent programme.

Tracking pupils STEM opportunities 

Suggests how to maintain a record of the activities, year groups and students involved in a STEM enrichment programme to help make sure that all students receive the benefit of an enhanced and enriched curriculum.

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