Resources by Centre for Science Education

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Displaying 111 - 120 of 275

GM Food

This main unit in the Ideas and Evidence pack from the Pupil Researcher Initiative is about how science provides many things to improve people’s lives, such as heating and power but sometimes new ‘technologies’ have drawbacks as well as benefits. Students explore the benefits and risks of a new technology, using...

Going Bananas

In this Cre8ate maths topic students work out what a portion size looks like, find out whether they are eating enough fruit and vegetables and compare the costs of making and buying smoothies. In How much is in a portion, students estimate weights of fruit and vegetables then weigh each item and calculate their...

Green Biker

This resource, from the Centre for Science Education and the Comino Foundation, investigates how demand for green transport is growing and companies are working hard to meet this demand. This activity encourages students to evaluate eco-friendly motor bikes, and communicate their findings to the readers of Green...

Green Fairgrounds

The RA3 project, provided by the Centre for Science Education, aims to bring parents together with their children and teachers to explore the worlds of science, technology, engineering and maths.

This investigation helps to develop an awareness of green power by designing and making a new fairground ride...

Growing Crystals

From the Centre for Science Education, and with support from Shell Education services, these materials help children to grow large crystals using salt solution. The crystals take about a week to grow. This activity gives children the opportunity to consider processes such as: * changing materials and that changes...

Growing Food

These materials have been provided by Cre8ate maths to support the teaching of mathematics in the context of agriculture. The resources include Building Silos, Growing More, Helicopter Seeds and Rabbits. Through this context students are involved in a variety of activities which include measuring the volume of a...

Growing More

This rich task from Cre8ate introduces students to a Latin Square, where each row and each column has all the variables once and only once. Students may be aware of Sudoku puzzles which are based on this scenario. They are challenged to find 12 different designs which...

Guidance Notes for Organisations Delivering STEM Ambassador Training

These guidance notes and associated Training Pack from the Department for Education, are designed for organisations to help STEM Ambassadors enhance their skills and enable them to become even more active in their local schools and communities.


Guide to Examples of Good Quality STEM Placements

Produced for the Department for Education, this resource from Sheffield Hallam University, is designed to help employers, teachers, students and anyone involved in work experience develop strategies for creating good quality placements for young people aged 14–19.


Hair and Beauty

This resource from Cre8ate maths is designed to help students develop their understanding of the data handling cycle. Initially students will match 14 questions with their answers, prompting discussion as some are not relevant to the topic and others could have multiple answers, but there is only one way to...


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