Resources by Centre for Science Education

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This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes the latest publications from UK educational publishers.

Firstborns Get the Brains?

This Science upd8 resource draws on research showing that the child raised as the eldest in a family is likely to have a higher IQ than their siblings.

The reasons for this advantage are not yet clear. In this activity students come up with creative explanations and plan how to collect evidence to test them...

Fishy Business

From the Centre for Science Education, the RA3 project aims to bring parents together with their children and teachers to explore the worlds of science.

Children and families are challenged to design a sea-life attraction. They must consider the budgets, habitats involved, range of tanks to be built and the...

Food and Drink

These cre8ate maths materials have been designed to teach mathematics at Key Stage Three, but can be used at Key Stage Two and Key Stage Four, in the context of food and drink. The resources include Boxes and Bottles, Going Bananas, Minimise or Supersize, Packaging and What’s In Your Bowl? The activities provide an...

Food for thought: environmental damage

Customers increasingly demand food that has been produced with minimal damage to the environment. In this activity from the Centre for Science Education and the Comino Foundation, students work out how to make a fish and chip shop as environmentally friendly as possible. They then highlight their decisions in an...

Food Miles Past: Food Miles Present

This Triple Crossed activity, from the Centre for Science Education and supported by the Astra Zeneca Teaching Trust, looks at four fictional food diaries, each lacking in some nutrient. Students are asked to identify what is missing, provide details of what they ate the previous day and analyse their own diet....

From Quarry to Food Cans

This Problem Solving with Industry module was devised by the Centre for Science Education in collaboration with ICI Tunstead Quarry in Derbyshire. In this module the problem is to devise and carry out tests on samples of lime to select the best sample for use in self-...

From Science upd8

These Science upd8 resources are designed to both develop science skills and show practical applications for classroom science through the context of particular careers.

The activities include:

  • The Mystery of the Levitating Train
  • Accident...

From Teachers TV

This collection consists of two videos presenting mathematics and science lessons which aim to help students to understand how their mathematical skills relate to the real world but also to encourage students to think about careers in STEM professions. The teachers use real-life examples and role-play to motivate...

These resources suggest a range of activities that can be used to illustrate different aspects of STEM professions.

They were developed by the Centre for Science Education at Sheffield Hallam University and Babcock for the former Department for Children, Schools and Families as part of the initiative to...


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