Resources by Jeans for Genes

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Displaying 21 - 30 of 46

Luke's Story

From Genetic Disorders UK, these resources explore Huntington’s disease and the implications of predictive testing through the eyes of seventeen year old Luke. The film and activities in this collection are linked to the following curriculum areas: * Human health is affected by a range of environmental and...

Luke's Story

This video tackles the implications of genetic testing and late onset genetic disorders. It tells the story of Luke, who has a 50% chance of inheriting Huntington’s disease from his mother.

Will he take the test...

Make a Feelings Character

This activity looks at how to identify and draw facial expressions which are related to feelings. By exploring Treacher Collins Syndrome, a genetic disorder which affects the face, children can discuss how someone’s facial characteristics might affect their ability to...

Making Mucus

In this activity students learn about the way mucus accumulates in the lungs of people with cystic fibrosis and produce their own homemade mucus. The activity is supported with a short comprehension task which looks at why people with cystic fibrosis are prone to lung...

Max's Story

From Genetic Disorders UK, these resources look at how the condition Hypohidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia (HED) affects everyday life for six-year-old Max. The film and activities in this collection are linked to the following curriculum areas: Science: animals, including humans, teeth and eating, humans-circulation,...

Max's Story

This video tells the story of six year old Max, who has Hypohidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia (HED), a condition that means he cannot sweat, has no teeth and very little hair. Max and his dad explain what living with the condition means for him and how it affects his...

My - What Big Teeth You Have

This practical activity, aimed at Key Stage Two, asks children to undertake a survey in groups, counting how many teeth they have compared to their classmates and then to compare this to different animals.

Linked to...

Pesky Pathogens

This hands-on activity, aimed at students aged 11-14, will help students to understand how pathogens can make you ill. After a short role play activity, students answer the questions on the worksheet. This worksheet is part of a collection of materials based on...

Ryan's Story

From Genetic Disorders UK, these resources look at how cystic fibrosis affects the life of sixteen year old Ryan. The film and activities in this collection are linked to the following curriculum areas: * The ways in which organisms function are related to the genes in their cells. * Human health is affected by a...

Ryan's Story

This video features Ryan who has cystic fibrosis. Ryan deliberately chooses activities that help to alleviate his symptoms and prolong his life, from playing football to playing the trumpet, and takes precautions to keep his cystic fibrosis under control. Part of this...


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