Mathematics for the Majority

The Schools Council Project in Secondary School Mathematics (renamed Mathematics for the Majority) was set up to help teachers construct courses for students of average and below-average ability that related mathematics to their experience and provided them with some insight into the processes that lie behind the use of mathematics as the language of science and as a source of interest in everyday things.



Showing 3 result(s)

Mathematical Pattern

This book from the Schools Council is one of the Mathematics for the Majority project's background guides. It brings together, from a variety of branches of mathematics, topics in which an element of pattern is strongly emphasised. In particular, the chapters cover: 1. Pattern's pervasiveness 2. Some patterns in...

Some Simple Functions

This book from the Schools Council addresses the topic of functions. The contents of the book are intended primarily for teachers, for whom, it was believed, it would provide a valuable background which would deepen their understanding of mathematics and give them insight into mathematical thinking. Teachers will...

Mathematical Experience

This book from the Schools Council discusses the aims of the Mathematics for the Majority project and includes contributions from teachers who were actively concerned with teaching mathematics at this standard. It is written in two parts:
