These materials have been provided by Cre8ate maths to support the teaching of mathematics in the context of agriculture. The resources include Building Silos, Growing More, Helicopter Seeds and Rabbits. Through this context students are involved in a variety of activities which include measuring the volume of a cylinder, the positioning of variables in a grid, systematic analysis of data and the use of computer modelling, all of which will promote discussion and improve insight into the practical application of mathematical principles.



Showing 4 result(s)

Building Silos

This rich task from Cre8ate offers pupils the opportunity to develop their personal learning and thinking skills. It involves using recycled materials to construct a scale model of a silo and is well suited to group work. The task can be extended for more able students by investigating the resizing of their model...

Growing More

This rich task from Cre8ate introduces students to a Latin Square, where each row and each column has all the variables once and only once. Students may be aware of Sudoku puzzles which are based on this scenario. They are challenged to find 12 different designs which...

Helicopter Seeds

This Cre8ate maths flight testing activity requires students to work in groups and, having made their own helicopter seed model from a template, record the landing positions and distances from a central point when the model is dropped from a standard height of one metre...


In this Cre8ate maths activity students learn that a simulation is a model of a real situation. Data for the birth rate of rabbits is provided and is used by students to develop their own model to simulate the breeding of rabbits in a field and consider the likely damage to the farmer’s crop. Initially this is done...