Nuffield Science for Ages 11-14

In the early 1980s the Nuffield Foundation decided that a new scheme for the first two years of secondary school was needed to replace the very successful Nuffield Combined Science programme.

The outcome of new developments was Nuffield 11-13 which was first published in 1986. Subsequently the 11-13 course was extended into a three year programme and then fully revised and republished as Nuffield Science for Key Stage 3 to match the National Curriculum in 1991.

Nuffield 11-13

Nuffield 11-13 was a response to the changes that there had been since 1970 in education, in science, and in society, particularly in the growth in number of comprehensive schools as well as the wider acceptance of mixed ability teaching in the 11 to 13 age group. The materials were designed to provide a sound platform for science teaching for the subsequent examination courses.

Nuffield Science for Key Stage 3

Nuffield Science for Key stage 3 was a course for the first three years of secondary school. It was designed to match the new National Curriculum. The course team was determined to show that a National Curriculum science course need not be stereotyped. As a result the developers adopted a structure that did not adhere slavishly to the shape of the National Curriculum.



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Nuffield 11-13

The developers of the Nuffield 11-13 course chose to place the emphasis on the processes by which scientists advance our knowledge, and the ways in which science is used by society. Their ambition was to counteract a perceived negative view of science as a ‘body of...

Nuffield Science for Key Stage Three materials were created by reworking the resources from the Nuffield Science 11 to 13 programme to match the new National Curriculum. For each year there was a Teachers' Guide, a text for students, and a file of worksheets for the...