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Principia Space Diary: making history

In this activity children explore timelines, identifying dates relevant to themselves and their families and then significant events in the history of space exploration. They could then interview family and friends about their...

Principia Space Diary: the solar system

In this activity children read and extract key facts about the different planets in our Solar System: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. Using this information they write a planetary report...

Principia Space Diary: looking at Earth from space

This creative writing exercise asks your space apprentices to choose a place on Earth that they have never been to, and imagine what it might be like to visit. They will use a selection of images that Tim Peake took while on...

Principia Space Diary: 8 minutes to space

In this creative writing activity children imagine what it is like to leave Earth on a journey into outer space.  It uses the context of British astronaut Tim Peake’s journey to the International Space Station as a stimulus to develop literacy skills.

This resource is part of the Principia Space Diary,...

The Principia Space Diary aims to help children find out more about the Principia mission, to strengthen literacy and digital literacy skills and engage children in STEM learning....

Taking photographs from the International Space Station

During his mission to the International Space Station, Tim Peake shared many spectacular photographs of the Earth. During this interview, recorded in  March 2017, he talks about taking the photographs and what such images can be used for. The teacher guide will help you find the segment or sections that are most...

Colour in the Earth

This resource provides activities that link in which geography at primary level, using images of cities and Islands around the World taken from Space. These images taken by Tim Peake, support children in recognising human and natural features from an aerial view. They develop their understanding of maps and keys/...

EO Detective

Astronauts have been taking photographs of the Earth from space for over 50 years and Earth Observation scientists have used satellite images for a similar amount of time.

The EO Detective activities aim to demonstrate how a vantage point in space, such as the International Space Station, provides a unique...

Space and Rocket Week

This video from Teachers TV features an idea for a cross-curricular space and rocket week. Last year, Eleanor Wilkinson, a mathematics teacher from Sussex, spent 10 days at the Teachers' Space Camp in Alabama and came back inspired to enthuse students about space.

She arranged for her Year Eight class to...

EO Detective 7-11

Aimed at primary learners, these resources link to aspects of mathematics, geography, science and computing.The activities use early astronaut photographs to encourage children to think about what features on the Earth look like from space, and satellite images to enable students to measure the growth of a city and...
