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space:uk - November 2015, Special Edition

This special edition of space:uk, from the UK Space Agency, focusses on the mission of European Space Agency astronaut, Tim Peake, and the educational activities linked to his stay on board the International Space Station. Articles in this edition include: *Principia Mission – From launch to landing, what does Tim...

Materials for Space Travel

This Catalyst article investigates materials that are used in space travel. It discovers that they must be designed and tested to ensure they will protect astronauts from radiation and the vacuum of space. 


STEM Learning Magazine: Secondary - spring 2016

Under the banner of Building the next generation, three of the issues for trainee teachers are explored. Margaret Smith considers of what an initial teacher training programme for science teachers should consist, Tracey Baxter explores what is needed to create a ‘gold-plated’ curriculum plan for a science...

BBC micro:bit in space

The BBC micro:bit is a small programmable device, designed to engage children with coding and the world of digital. Given to all 11-12 year old students across the UK in 2016, it is supported with a range of programming environments available here.


Catalyst Volume 25 Issue 3: Full Magazine

This issue of Catalyst contains the following articles: 


Catalyst Volume 26 Issue 2: Full Magazine

This issue of Catalyst contains the following articles: ​

This Catalyst article investigates how polymer materials can be designed and printed with...

Catalyst Volume 13 Issue 2: Full Magazine

This issue of Catalyst includes the following articles:


Catalyst Volume 22 Issue 1: Full Magazine

This issue of Catalyst includes the following articles:


Catalyst Volume 19 Issue 3: Full Magazine

Articles in this issue of Catalyst include:


The magic of light

This set of eight enquiry-based activities aimed at 8-10 year olds allows pupils to study light and colour using spectroscopes and colour wheels. P...
