Listing all results (885)

EO Detective 7-11

Aimed at primary learners, these resources link to aspects of mathematics, geography, science and computing.The activities use early astronaut photographs to encourage children to think about what features on the Earth look like from space, and satellite images to enable students to measure the growth of a city and...

Pixel your space: geometry behind science and art images

This resource, aimed at primary learners, links mathematics, art and science. Children explore how how the number of pixels affects an image and how images from space have become clearer as technology has advanced. They then...

Our Solar System

This creative research project allows children working at primary level to discover our closest neighbours in space and develop their communication skills. Working in groups, children research the eight planets, comets and asteroids in our Solar System. They find out about moons and rings, which planets have them...

Tim Peake

This video is a message to ESERO-UK from European Space Agency astronaut Tim Peake. He talks about studying STEM subjects and how he became an astronaut. The video includes images of a launch, Tim engaging in various astronaut training exercises and the International Space Station, where Tim will be for six months...

Tim Peake's Food Likes

As part of the The Great British Space Dinner competition, celebrity chef, Heston Blumenthal, asks astronaut Tim Peake about what foods he likes to eat. Tim talks about how it is also important psychologically, as well as nutritionally, to eat good food in space. Tim also explains that having some British food...

Careers Examples and Options

These two Future Morph resources aim to show students that there is a wide choice of options open to those who study sciences and mathematics. The resources consist of:

Career examples list

The list covers six...

Tim Peake: Becoming an Astronaut

Filmed at the ESERO-UK Secondary Conference, in 2014, this video features UK European Space Agency astronaut Tim Peake talking about the importance of science skills to be able to work on the International Space Station (ISS). He talks about his route to becoming an astronaut and possible career routes into...

Tim Peake Mission Overview Video

In this interview, Tim Peake discusses the Principia mission. Named after Isaac Newton’s text Naturalis Principia Mathematica, ESA’s Principia mission will be the eighth long-duration mission to the International Space Station.

British astronaut Tim Peake will be launched from Baikonur in Kazakhstan onboard...

Astronomy - Careers

This Catalyst article investigates possible careers in astronomy and space science. It provides some information on a number of academic courses leading to an exciting career in astronomy; the article also lists places to visit for those with general interest in astronomy.

This article is from Catalyst: GCSE...

Space Careers

The UK plays a very active role in space research and industry. This collection contains profiles of scientists and engineers, working in space industry or academia, and includes some of their outreach work with schools and colleges in the UK.
