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Is There Anybody Out There?

A Catalyst article about the Kepler spacecraft, which is used to look for extra-solar planets. Scientists are hoping to shine light on the age old question of life’s existence elsewhere in the Universe using a new space-based telescope named Kepler. Launched on 6 March 2009, Kepler is searching the sky for small,...

Phoenix Mars Lander

This video, from NASA, examines the Phoenix Lander mission which provided new information about Mars and the possibility of life on the Red Planet. The Phoenix Lander explored Mars' polar region and the thick layer of ice directly below the planet's surface. Phoenix looked for signs of life on Mars and NASA...

Rocket Images and Video

NASA's Space Shuttle may be a well-known launch vehicle, but the majority of launches still take place using rockets. These regularly carry satellites into orbit. These materials show images of rockets, such as the Saturn V which powered the Apollo missions and current Delta and Atlas rockets. There is also a...

Space Shuttle Mission Images

The space shuttle has been used by NASA as a re-usable orbiter since 1981. The programme's last flight is scheduled for 2011. These resources show all stages of a mission, from launch to landing. It includes a video of the launch of the space shuttle Atlantis.


This video from NASA shows why satellites are used and how they work. The video describes the four components of a satellite, the processes of uplinking and downlinking, and the information that satellites provide to scientists. The segment also explains the difference between geostationary and orbiting...

Lunar Rover Images

Humans have landed on the Moon. These images, from NASA, show some of the Lunar rovers that have been involved in manned Lunar explorations and some that may be developed for future missions to the Moon.

Drinking Straw Rocket

This simple activity from NASA allows classrooms to study rocket stability as students construct and fly small "indoor" paper rockets. The rockets can be used for a range of activities into forces and movement in which students collect data and interpret the results.

Venus Express

A Catalyst article about the European Space Agency (ESA) which has sent the Venus Express spacecraft to explore Earth's cloudy neighbour. The purpose of the project, which is primarily to gather information about the atmosphere around Venus, is explained and is put into context with concerns about climate change on...

Recycling on the International Space Station

This clip, from NASA, joins engineers at NASA and astronauts on board the International Space Station to learn about the importance of recycling. Find out how NASA is solving the challenge of giving astronauts water to use without wasting any with the new Water Recovery System.

Onboard the International Space Station

This video clip, from NASA, shows the global cooperation that built the International Space Station, or ISS. Life on board the ISS is shown. The video shows a simple model to demonstrate the amazing mathematical relationship between the Earth and moon and see how the low-Earth orbit of ISS compares.
