Listing all results (885)

Stars, Nebulae, Galaxies

NASA has been responsible for some fantastic images of space, especially from the Hubble Space Telescope. These are a few of the images of stars, nebulae and galaxies. More images are available from the  NASA website

The ESA/ESO Astronomy Exercise Series

The object of this resource, produced by ESA and ESO, is to present various small projects that will pass on some of the excitement and satisfaction in scientific discovery, to students. Using elementary geometrical and physical considerations, students will be able to derive answers that are comparable with the...

Saturn V Rocket Lift-off, Showing Staging

This clip, from Footagevault, could be used for teaching Key Stage Three and Four content on energy, electricity and forces, or chemical and material behaviour. The film clip dramatically shows Newton's Third Law of Motion in action, "to every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction...". The footage...

Apollo 1 Fire - the Aftermath

This historic footage, from Footagevault, was recorded at the top of the Apollo 1 rocket stack shortly after the fire which claimed the lives of the first Apollo astronauts. The film shows how ferociously things burn in a high pressure pure oxygen environment. The engineers running this Apollo test procedure had...

Big Telescopes

The Big Telescopes poster links ground and space based telescopes with the parts of the electromagnetic spectrum that they are observing and their locations on Earth or in space.

The poster explains how larger telescopes allow scientists to learn more about the early universe and map our own galaxy with...

Astronauts Leaping on the Moon

This footage, from Footagevault, documents the locomotion of humans on the moon under reduced gravity conditions. It can be used with Key Stage Three and Four students to start discussions about forces. This clip shows Apollo 17 astronaut Gene Cernan leaping towards the camera with great big kangaroo hops.


The James Webb Space Telescope: Inspiration and Context for Physics and Chemistry Teaching

This article from School Science Review, describes the design, delivery, evaluation and impact of a CPD course for physics and chemistry teachers. A key aim of the course was to use the context of the James Webb Space Telescope project to inspire teachers and lead to enriched teaching of STEM subjects.


The Hammer and the Feather on the Moon

This classic Apollo 15 clip, from Footagevault, demonstrates that the mass of an object does not affect the time it takes to fall when dropped in a vacuum. The clip could be used in Key Stage Three and Four lessons on forces.

The International Space Station and Skylab *suitable for home teaching*

Produced by FootageVault and using original NASA video, these clips illustrate life onboard the International Space Station (ISS) and its forerunner, Skylab. The clips cover a range of topics and show: * views of the earth * floating in zero gravity * approach of the Space Shuttle...

Living in Space

Produced by FootageVault, these videos from NASA illustrate the effects of apparent weightlessness as astronauts live and work in space. Clips include astronauts in Skylab, the Space Shuttle and the International Space Station. The clips can be used to illustrate forces, movement and how objects...
