Listing all results (885)

Yes, It Is Rocket Science

A Catalyst article looking at the methods used to power rockets. Solid rocket boosters and liquid fuel rockets are the two main propulsion systems used to power rockets and solar power is used to drive electrical equipment. This article looks at these power systems and the future for rocket science.


Lift Off!

This resource, from the European Space Agency, contains exercises in physics and chemistry based on real space data, designed for secondary schools. The exercises and data were developed and checked by ESA space scientists and engineers. They are most appropriate for students at Post 16 level. There are a total of...

SATIS 8-14: Blue Box Book 9

Box 3, the blue box of ASE’s SATIS 8-14 project, contained ten booklets with resources suggesting activities for teaching science and technology in Key Stage Three. Book 9 contained four units.


All about Telescopes

Produced by ESERO-UK, these short video clips look at a range of different telescopes and give advice and guidance on choosing a telescope for your school, as well as advice on how to make use of remote telescopes in school and also include an introduction to the Hubble Space Telescope. Presented by...

Splitting Earth, Space Weather and Robotic Dolphins

In this podcast from the Planet Earth Online collection and the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), Sue Nelson hears about the birth of an ocean in the Afar depression in the Horn of Africa. The continental crust is being ripped apart at a phenomenal rate – one metre every year over the last five years. In...

The Ingredients for Life: on Earth and in Space

On the International Space Station many of the Earth’s environmental support systems have already been engineered. Examining how some of these key technologies work, allows us to understand the vital ingredients that make Earth such an ideal place to live. In the video 'Ingredients for Life: On Earth and in Space...

The first human in space was Yuri Gagarin. Since then, humans have 'walked' in space, set foot on the Moon and lived for long periods in orbit on craft like the International Space Station (ISS). This collection contains images, video and other resources that show how humans have explored space.

Solar Power for Exploration Challenge

From NASA, Solar Energy for Space Exploration is a problem-based learning activity. The project requires students to propose and defend a design to provide power to a lunar or Martian research base for six astronauts. To prepare for the final project, students investigate the variables that affect the operation of...

From Earth to Mars

This Catalyst article describes how a crewed trip to Mars and back would be very demanding, both technologically and for the people involved.

This article is from Catalyst: Secondary Science Review 2011, Volume 22, Issue 2.

Catalyst is a...

Space-based Astronomy Educator Guide

These resources from NASA look at why telescopes are put into space. Students build simple spectroscopes and telescopes to learn the answer to this question. This educator guide is divided into units of study that include science demonstrations, lesson plans and student sheets so that students may learn about Earth...
