Hamilton Trust: year two science

The Hamilton Trust has produced support materials which encourage a practical approach to primary science. These resources for Year Two contain teacher guidance and student worksheets. Each resource contains full lesson plans, that cover the topics of:

  • Animals, including humans: healthy animals
  • Plants: ready, steady, grow!
  • Living things and their habitats: habitats
  • Living things and their habitats: gardens and allotments
  • Everyday materials: materials matter
  • Everyday materials: squash, bend, twist and stretch

The Hamilton website also hosts a wealth of other free resources.



Showing 3 result(s)

Everyday materials: materials matter

This block of resources provides 6 sessions on materials aimed at Year 2. They explore the useful properties of materials with a range of investigations involving absorbency and flexibility.  These include activities for finding out which type of kitchen towel or cloth is most effective at mopping up spills,...

Plants: ready, steady, grow!

Explore the world of seeds in these lesson plans and activities aimed at Year Two. Learn why plants disperse their seeds and the various clever ways in which they do this. Plant cress seeds and grow a bean using hydroponics – watch and record what happens to them. Using various art and design techniques, make and...

Animals, including humans: healthy animals

This resource provides a selection of lesson plans, worksheets and teachers notes relating to animals including humans at Year Two. They include activities for discussing the stage of the human lifecycle, thinking about how children have changed since they were babies...