Hamilton Trust: year one science

This collection of resources have been produced by Hamilton Trust to support science in Year 1. They are split into 6 blocks of 6 sessions, each of which can be completed within a half-term. The materials are designed to encourage a practical approach to primary science and includes key skills and ways of working scientifically. The blocks are:

  • Animals, including humans: ourselves
  • Animals, including humans: our pets
  • Everyday materials: let's build
  • Everyday materials: marvellous materials
  • Plants: what's growing in our garden?
  • Seasonal changes: wonderful weather

The Hamilton website also hosts a wealth of other free resources.



Showing 2 result(s)

Animals, including humans: ourselves

This collection of lesson plans and activities supports learning about the human body and senses. Children work scientifically to observe changes over time and think about the question how do we change as we get older? They also provide opportunities for collecting data, looking for patterns and carrying out...

Seasonal changes: wonderful weather

This resource provides six activities linked to the weather and seasonal changes. Children look at weather forecasts, observe the weather and set up weather stations to record...