Schools Council Reports

There were close links between the Nuffield Foundation and the Schools Council in the planning and evaluation of the Nuffield Secondary Science Project. Following publication of the Newsom Report, the Council commissioned a group of experts to prepare the ground for the Nuffield project. The findings were published as the first of a series of Working Papers.

An evaluation of the Nuffield Foundation's curriculum development projects in science was first considered by the Schools Council in 1965. However it was not until March 1968 that a proposal for the evaluation of Nuffield Secondary Science was approved, and a further nine months elapsed before it was possible to start the work. As a result, the evaluation studied a selection of schools during the first year after the completion of trials.



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Science for the Young School Leaver

Science for the Young School Leaver was one of a series of informal publications by the Schools Council. Schools Council Working Paper Number 1 started a series to make widely available information about curriculum development projects while still in their formative...

Nuffield Secondary Science: An Evaluation

The Schools Council initiated this evaluation of Nuffield Secondary Science at the point when school trials of the materials were largely complete. As a result the evaluation focussed on the early adoption of the project by schools.


The Schools Council initiated this evaluation of Nuffield Secondary Science at the point when school trials of the materials were largely complete. As a result the evaluation focussed on the early adoption of the project by schools.

Three aspects, which were thought to be characteristic of the project were...