This collection of STEM educational reports, produced by a number of organisations, concern the teaching and learning of science. The reports include:

*Physics in schools IV: supply and retention of teachers - This report looks at specialist physics teacher supply and retention in English schools.

*Physics in schools III: bucking the trend - This report sets out to identify how some schools are increasing participation in Post-16 physics whilst the general trend is for a seemingly inexorable decline in physics education.

*Physics in schools and colleges: teacher deployment and student outcomes - This report looks at the deployment of teachers and its impact on student outcomes.

*Science education in schools: issues, evidence and proposals - This report looks at issues around improving science education in schools.

* Big Picture teaching resource: Reviewing how teachers, educationalists and young people access and use classroom resources - This report, commissioned by the Wellcome Trust, evaluates Big Picture, its free publication on bioscience, and explored ways in which it could be developed.

*The teaching of social and ethical issues in the school curriculum, arising from developments in biomedical research: a research study of teachers.

*Primary science survey report - This report presents the findings of an online survey during July 2011 for The Wellcome Trust.

*Primary science in the UK: a scoping study - This report seeks to establish an overview of the current status of primary science in the UK with particular reference to strengths and weaknesses in specific focus areas.



Showing 22 result(s)

Primary Science Survey Report

This report presents the findings of an online survey during July 2011 for The Wellcome Trust. The survey asked primary school teachers for their views on the status of primary science, the opportunities available to their students and themselves as professionals, and how these things may have changed since the...

Primary Science in the UK: a Scoping Study

The Wellcome Trust commissioned this research in May 2004. The Graduate School of Education at Queen’s University Belfast and the Science Department of St Mary’s
University College Belfast carried out the work. The Wellcome Trust was seeking to
establish an overview of the current status of primary...

Aspects of Primary Education: the Teaching and Learning of Science

Published in 1989 by Her Majesty's Inspectorate (HMI), this report looks at the changes in science teaching from the mid-seventies to the late-eighties and discusses how further improvements could be achieved. It is based on observations made by HMI during the inspection of 300 primary schools in England, and from...

Creative Encounters: Feasibility Study for a Touring Exhibition to Promote Creative Learning in Science

Published by the Wellcome Trust in 2007, this report is the product of a feasibility study for a touring exhibition to promote creative learning in science. The study involved:

* Evaluating the Trust's objectives for such an exhibition and making recommendations on the
feasibility of meeting these...
