This collection of STEM educational reports, produced by a number of organisations, concern the teaching and learning of science. The reports include:

*Physics in schools IV: supply and retention of teachers - This report looks at specialist physics teacher supply and retention in English schools.

*Physics in schools III: bucking the trend - This report sets out to identify how some schools are increasing participation in Post-16 physics whilst the general trend is for a seemingly inexorable decline in physics education.

*Physics in schools and colleges: teacher deployment and student outcomes - This report looks at the deployment of teachers and its impact on student outcomes.

*Science education in schools: issues, evidence and proposals - This report looks at issues around improving science education in schools.

* Big Picture teaching resource: Reviewing how teachers, educationalists and young people access and use classroom resources - This report, commissioned by the Wellcome Trust, evaluates Big Picture, its free publication on bioscience, and explored ways in which it could be developed.

*The teaching of social and ethical issues in the school curriculum, arising from developments in biomedical research: a research study of teachers.

*Primary science survey report - This report presents the findings of an online survey during July 2011 for The Wellcome Trust.

*Primary science in the UK: a scoping study - This report seeks to establish an overview of the current status of primary science in the UK with particular reference to strengths and weaknesses in specific focus areas.



Showing 22 result(s)

Darwin Education Initiative

Published by the Wellcome Trust in January 2011, this report provides the findings from the final stage of the evaluation of the Darwin Education Initiative. It includes the findings from follow-up interviews with case study schools which explored the continued use of the Great Plant Hunt and Survival Rivals...

Exploring Young People's Views on Science Education

Published by the Wellcome Trust in September 2011, this report aimed to find a deeper understanding of young people’s attitudes to science education, particularly regarding the value young people place on science education (for themselves as individuals and for society in general), as well as the key factors...

Leading Debate: 21 Years of the National Curriculum for Science

In July 2010, 21 years after the National Curriculum was first introduced, the Wellcome Trust convened a seminar to reflect on the impact of the National Curriculum for science. Presented in this report are views that emerged from the seminar where delegates considered the National Curriculum’s initial development...

Perspectives on Education: Inquiry-based Learning

This report, from the Wellcome Trust, defines inquiry-based science learning and explains the importance of developing learning scientific enquiry skills through discussion, questioning, reasoning, gathering data and reviewing evidence. The report stresses the importance of not limiting students' experiences and...
