Centre of the Cell

This set of resources was provided by Centre of the Cell, an educational and health charity which aims to raise career aspirations and improve educational attainment, improve the lives of young people from disadvantaged backgrounds, inspire the next generation of healthcare professionals, widen participation in higher education and promote learning within the family and community.

The resources encourage students to look at health issues, the methods used by scientists and the ethical questions behind decisions. They help to raise awareness of how lifestyle choices affect health, promote healthy living and increase understanding of how medical research leads to new ways of preventing, detecting and treating disease.



Showing 5 result(s)

Clinical Research Workshop

In these two Centre of the Cell activities, students learn about how new medicines are developed – from the initial idea, through the science that turns them into treatments, to the clinical research that tests whether they are safe and effective. Students investigate cancer detection and how medicines are...

Double Blind Trials Workshop

These three activities, from Centre of the Cell, demonstrate how double blind trials are run, explaining what a placebo is and how the placebo effect works, how bias is removed as far as possible and how participants and trial medicines are randomised. Through these activities, students investigate the placebo...

Choosing the sex of babies: ethical debate

This cross-curricular activity is designed to get Key Stage Four students thinking about the moral and ethical implications of sex selection. The resources will encourage students to form their own opinion and share it with the rest of the class. The activity is relevant to Key Stage Four science, citizenship and...

New Vaccines Workshop

These cross-curricular activities, from Centre of the Cell, introduce the concept of vaccination and why it only protects the population if most people are vaccinated. They show how early vaccination was tested and discuss the role of informed consent in Clinical Research. Students learn about the process of...
