The Institution of Mechanical Engineers

As well as its role as a professional body, the Institution of Mechanical Engineers focuses on educational activities and policies aimed at inspiring, preparing and supporting tomorrow’s engineers to respond to society’s challenges.

The resources in this collection highlight a range of careers and illustrate the many aspects of mechanical engineering, from sports research to designing low-carbon buildings. The films are suitable to be shown in the classroom and are designed to inspire students to study engineering.



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SeaGen - Sea Generation Tidal Turbine

This is a graphical representation of how a tidal turbine generates power. Curriculum links include energy transfers, energy sources and electricity generation.


This film, from the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, shows how sports engineers from Loughborough University are using analysis software to help swimmers perfect their style and form, helping them shave seconds off their time.


Tesco Engineering Energy-Efficient Stores

Mark Hawker, IMechE Fellow and Head of Engineering Design for Tesco Property Services, discusses the construction and operation of their energy-efficient sustainable concept store. The film looks at the different aspects of engineering involved in transforming a plot of land into a store whilst reducing its...

The Effects of Volcanic Ash on Aeroplane Engines - BBC News

This BBC news clip looks at why volcanic ash forced the grounding of all UK flights in 2010. Dr Colin Brown, Director of Engineering at the Institute of Mechanical Engineers, talks to the BBC News channel about the effects of volcanic ash on aeroplane engines.


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