Mathematical activities

Mathematical Activities contains ten resources exploring a range of mathematical topics in a variety of contexts. Counting problems are explored, mathematics derived from the dartboard, dominoes, pentominoes and tangrams and useful examples useful for practise and understanding such as variations on the game of Bingo, Su Doku, tangrams and tessellations.



Showing 9 result(s)

Counting Problems

This resource contains many varied example of counting problems. In each one students are asked to count the number of triangles that can be found in a diagram, how many times does each digit appear if the numbers 1 to 10 are written down, how many different ways can a number be partitioned…



This resource begins by considering how the dartboard and the game of darts, can be used in practising arithmetic. Students are asked to consider the different ways each score1 to 60 can be achieved using a single dart. Students are asked to find the maximum and minimum score achievable with 1, 2 and 3 darts.


Flippin Sums

Students begin by making a 'Digit Flipper'. There are three versions in the resource plus blanks to make others. The teacher notes then explain how the 'gadget' can be used in lessons.

The 'Digit Flipper' can be manipulated to show different numbers. Teachers can ask students to make the largest possible...

Geometric Patterns

This resource contains many examples of different kinds of geometric pattern. The introduction begins with border patterns; simple patterns which are easily reproduced by students.

This is followed by examples of tile patterns. Geometric patterns 3 to 6 are concerned with cyclotomy; the division of a circle...
