CREST Bronze Awards engage and inspire a wide range of students, and introduce them to the language and methods of project work. The flexible framework can be adapted for students of different ages and abilities. 

Bronze projects: 
• Involve a minimum of 10 hours of work on one project area 
• Use scientific and/or technical knowledge appropriate to students aged 11 to 14 
• Students share their project outcomes with their peers (e.g. display, assembly, poster) 
• Have active support from an educator: guiding students but allowing them to make decisions for themselves, reviewing progress regularly and supporting planning to maintain the pace of progress 

Download the Teacher’s guide here:

You will need to register your students through the Crest Award website:  



Showing 35 result(s)

British Science Week activities

The activities in this pack provide hands-on activities that are engaging, inexpensive and suitable for science clubs.  The theme of the pack is change, and contents include:

Changing colours

  • ...

Bronze award: tree for life

This project revolves around the subject of trees and the life that trees support. The activity links to the work of the OPAL project.

The project should take about 5 hours to complete. There are three activities in this pack. They can be used to learn...

Water rocket challenge

  • This annual competition is run by the National Physical Laboratory and challenges students to launch a rocket powered by water or air pressure and see how long they can keep it in the air, whilst trying to earn additional bonus seconds by landing it in designated...

Travel and carbon footprints

In this challenge students are asked to produce a 10 minute presentation proposing sustainable travel plans for the journey from their school or home to two different event venues. One venue should be within the Greater London area and the other in any UK location.

Teams must show clearly how they arrived at...
