Area and perimeter

This collection contains resources from the website by Sian Zelbo. Areas and perimeters are presented in different contexts such as puzzles and games. In addition, there are several problems that require spatial reasoning. There are often several different ways to tackle the puzzles. The materials are ideal for use with Key Stage 3 students.



Showing 8 result(s)

Area puzzles

The mathematical topics required to solve the puzzles are areas of triangles and rectangles. The shapes are combinations of triangles and rectangles, with some areas and some distances marked. The challenge is to calculate the missing dimensions. The puzzles were inspired by Naoki Inaba’s ‘area maze puzzles’. This...

Dots and polygons

This strategy game is a twist on the classic ‘Dots and Boxes’ but with no restrictions on the number of sides of the shape. Players take turns and the challenge is to try and enclose the greatest area possible. This resource is suitable for Key Stage 3.

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Shaded triangles problem

Four equilateral triangles are presented with different patterns shaded. The challenge is to find the triangle which is most fully shaded. To arrive at a solution requires both spatial awareness and use of fractions. This resource is suitable for Key Stages 2 and 3.

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Half-a-shape puzzle

A heart, square, hexagon, and three-quarters of a square are shown with subdivisions. The challenge is to shade exactly half the area of each shape. This resource is suitable for Key Stages 2 and 3.

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