Churchill Maths Activities

This is a series of ten activities from Churchill Maths. Each resource has student handouts, teachers' notes and answers.

Adding Outwards - an investigation starting with addition of integers then using algebra to explain findings.

Circles in a Triangle - an investigation of circles and spheres about area and volume requiring the use of surds, series, Pythagoras' Theorem and algebraic proof.

Difference Patterns - a number investigation based upon subtraction of integers to encourage students to find systematic ways of recording their findings.

Fraction Code - the four rules applied to fractions and mixed numbers.

Number Spirals - an investigation leading to various quadratic sequences of integers then finding the nth term.

Number Type Cards - an investigation to find different types of numbers including odd, even, prime, factors and multiples.

Pie Chart Puzzles - five puzzles relating to given pie charts or information about pie chars. The last two puzzles are solved by writing and solving equations.

Stack 'Em Up - plans and elevations. A sorting activity.

Triangles in a Spiral - an investigation involving a sequence of similar triangles. The first part requires angles at a point. The second part is more challenging as it requires surds, series and indices.

Which Operation- a structured number investigation starting with some simple problems involving the four rules then leading to more challenging questions.



Showing 9 result(s)

Number Spirals

This activity requires students to generate sequences of integers from a set of given number spirals.

The first number spiral is on a square grid and has clear examples showing the rules for allowed sequences. Students are asked to generate sequences, explain patterns and find the nth term for each...

Number Type Cards

This activity requires students to investigate different types of number by ordering different sets of digits. The types of number are odd, even, primes, multiples and factors.

The resource contains printable worksheets which could allow for differentiation. The set of printable digit cards could be useful...

Stack 'Em Up

This activity involves matching 3-D shapes with plans and elevations. It may be suitable for group work. The first page of the handout shows an example of a 3-D shape with the plan, front and side elevations. There are five other pages of diagrams to be duplicated to make a card sort for the ten 3-D shapes.


Triangles in a Spiral

This activity is based upon a practical task to fit a set of similar triangles into a spiral. It is in two parts, the first of which is more accessible.

In Part 1 students are presented with a series of different sized similar triangles. These fit together to form a spiral and students look at how many are...
