Churchill Maths Activities

This is a series of ten activities from Churchill Maths. Each resource has student handouts, teachers' notes and answers.

Adding Outwards - an investigation starting with addition of integers then using algebra to explain findings.

Circles in a Triangle - an investigation of circles and spheres about area and volume requiring the use of surds, series, Pythagoras' Theorem and algebraic proof.

Difference Patterns - a number investigation based upon subtraction of integers to encourage students to find systematic ways of recording their findings.

Fraction Code - the four rules applied to fractions and mixed numbers.

Number Spirals - an investigation leading to various quadratic sequences of integers then finding the nth term.

Number Type Cards - an investigation to find different types of numbers including odd, even, prime, factors and multiples.

Pie Chart Puzzles - five puzzles relating to given pie charts or information about pie chars. The last two puzzles are solved by writing and solving equations.

Stack 'Em Up - plans and elevations. A sorting activity.

Triangles in a Spiral - an investigation involving a sequence of similar triangles. The first part requires angles at a point. The second part is more challenging as it requires surds, series and indices.

Which Operation- a structured number investigation starting with some simple problems involving the four rules then leading to more challenging questions.



Showing 9 result(s)

Which Operation?

This activity begins with an example of how to get from a start number to a given finish number using given operations such as +5 or x3. Students are then presented with a set of structured problems involving them selecting ways of getting from a start number to a finish number using other given operations....
