Something in Common: A Level Pure Mathematics

This sub-collection of resources from the ‘Something in Common’ collection contains 17 resources designed to bring a problem solving approach to the teaching of A Level Pure Mathematics. Each resource has an introductory presentation, printed materials, and supporting files. The topics covered are:

  • Equation of a circle and midpoints

  • Tangent to a circle

  • Normal to a tangent

  • Turning points
  • Solids of revolution
  • Expanding brackets

  • Factor theorem
  • Geometric sequences

  • Transformation of graphs

  • Hyperbolas

  • Roots of a cubic



Showing 22 result(s)

Parabola in a Parallelogram

A parabola is given with the x-coordinate of the minimum point, and two points on the parallelogram shown. The points are joined and then a parallel line is drawn that is a...

How Close

The coordinates of two points on a line are given. The task is to find the shortest distance from the line of a third given point. The task involves finding the equation of...

Find f(2)

The maximum value of a quadratic function is given, together with the value of f(3) and the information that this is equal to f(-1). The challenge is to determine the coefficients of the quadratic. This involves the use of symmetry and solution of a simultaneous equation.


Quadratic Segments

The investigation begins by looking at the area of three segments related to a quadratic. The first segment is the area between the curve and the x-axis. Each of the other...
