Something in Common: A Level Pure Mathematics

This sub-collection of resources from the ‘Something in Common’ collection contains 17 resources designed to bring a problem solving approach to the teaching of A Level Pure Mathematics. Each resource has an introductory presentation, printed materials, and supporting files. The topics covered are:

  • Equation of a circle and midpoints

  • Tangent to a circle

  • Normal to a tangent

  • Turning points
  • Solids of revolution
  • Expanding brackets

  • Factor theorem
  • Geometric sequences

  • Transformation of graphs

  • Hyperbolas

  • Roots of a cubic



Showing 22 result(s)

What’s f(500)?

A function is defined so that f(xy) = f(x) + f(y) for all positive integers x and y. Students are given the value of f(10) and (40) and are challenged to determine the value of f(500).

In each student worksheet contains different values for f(10) and f(40) but for...

An interesting pair of simultaneous equations

In this teacher presentation and collection of student worksheets a pair of simultaneous equations is given, one of which is non-linear. A second pair of similar simultaneous equations is given; that has the same solutions. Students are challenged to explain why.

Each student worksheet contains different...
