Digital schoolhouse

This collection of lesson activity and enrichment day resources links computing to other curriculum areas in creative ways. Unplugged as well as on-screen activities are provided, featuring contributions from various organisations. Some activities require additional paid resources whilst most make use of free technology including MIT Scratch. Linked to the CAS Progression Pathways document, each resource contains a teaching plan and the other files required. Suitable for computing lessons in upper primary and lower secondary, the Digital Schoolhouse collection provides some engaging contexts for mentally challenging areas of the computing curriculum. Digital School House is associated and fully supported by Ukie.



Showing 7 result(s)

Let's Doodle

This workshop or lesson activity makes use of a 3-D printing pen, and covers many computational thinking concepts as well as practical and evaluative skills applicable to design and technology.

The teacher guide includes a range of ‘unplugged’ computing activities – no programming is involved. The...


This series of three lesson activities uses Scratch to create animations that tell a story, and can link to studies in English.

A starter Scratch file partially tells the story of the Great Fire of London. Additional resources are provided allowing children to improve the animation.

Using some short...

Databases Unplugged

This series of activities is aimed at upper-primary school children and above, and is intended as an introduction to organising and storing data.

Kinaesthetic activities, paper-based and online tasks are used to support teaching of:

*Branching databases

*Fields and records

