Digital schoolhouse

This collection of lesson activity and enrichment day resources links computing to other curriculum areas in creative ways. Unplugged as well as on-screen activities are provided, featuring contributions from various organisations. Some activities require additional paid resources whilst most make use of free technology including MIT Scratch. Linked to the CAS Progression Pathways document, each resource contains a teaching plan and the other files required. Suitable for computing lessons in upper primary and lower secondary, the Digital Schoolhouse collection provides some engaging contexts for mentally challenging areas of the computing curriculum. Digital School House is associated and fully supported by Ukie.



Showing 7 result(s)

Beautiful Numbers

This lesson or enrichment activity investigates recursive algorithms using Fibonacci series.

It begins with an engaging maths magic trick ‘how to fake a super brain’ that uses a special property of Fibonacci numbers, and proceeds to look at the Golden Ratio in nature and its ‘beautiful’ properties.


Crazy Graphics

This workshop investigates how images are stored as data, and shows the difference that ‘bit depth’ makes to the quality of images and number of colours. It begins by looking at paintings and how, using only paint, images were difficult to edit – however digital images are much easier. Pupils with access to photo...

Cryptography Workshop

This set of activities introduces children to cryptography techniques, showing how the use of computers can make encryption quicker and more effective. Some notable examples of the use of encryption in history are mentioned, leading to the use of calculation machines for code-making and code-breaking.


Generating Art: Shape Calculator

This resource, intended for an extended workshop session, uses sequences of instructions for creating drawings as a basis for learning about algorithms. Following the activity (taken from the series CSUnplugged), an introductory look at Scratch explores the different parts of the program and would be suitable for...
