Green careers week - 4th to 9th November 2024

This collection of resources help teachers and careers advisers introduce students to the possible career opportunities in emerging green technologies. The activities help to highlight the jobs students can do to help tackle climate change and improve the environment. 

The collection includes a set of case studies in which individuals talk about their personal journeys and explain more about the careers they have chosen.

A collection of resources on general career guidance has also been included for reference.



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This collection aims to support teachers in the delivery of career-focussed lessons, particularly looking at green careers and how a STEM background makes positive innovation possible. Resources include both job- and subject-specific information packs, real-life careers case studies, practical experiments, and...

This collection of videos gives students a view into the different types of green careers available. A mixture of case studies and industrial context, this collection covers careers from across the STEM subjects.