Years 1 & 2: Geometry

This list consists of visual resources, activities and games designed to support the new curriculum programme of study in Years 1 and 2. Containing tips on using the resources and suggestions for further use it covers:

Year 1: recognise and name common 2D and 3D shapes and describe position, directions and movements, including half, quarter and three-quarter turns.

Year 2: identify and describe the properties of 2D shapes, including the number of sides and symmetry in a vertical line, identify and describe the properties of 3D shapes, including the number of edges, vertices and faces, identify 2-D shapes on surface of 3-D shapes and compare and sort common 2-D and 2-D shapes and everyday objects.

Order and arrange combinations of mathematical objects in patterns and use mathematical vocabulary to describe position, direction and movement.

Visit the primary mathematics webpage to access all lists.