These resources have been reviewed and selected by STEM Learning’s team of education specialists for factual accuracy and relevance to teaching STEM subjects in UK schools.

Having Fun Growing Plants

This activity gives children a chance to bring their own ideas and materials and try to grow some plants from their seeds. Children bring in all kinds of seeds such as: conkers, acorns, and apple pips, provide the conditions for germination and observe them over time to see if they begin to grow. Some ‘seeds’ are likely to be more successful than others, but a little exploring and watching what happens can bring its own surprises and excitement.

This activity is part of a larger collection, Living Processes and What Plants Need to Grow.

Produced by Science and Plants for Schools (SAPS), it is one of a series of booklets written to support plant science in the primary curriculum.

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Stone Age , POSTED BY
Year 2: Plants, POSTED BY