Science plus: book 1

Science Plus is a learning package designed with the needs of less-able students and their teachers and helpers in mind. It is suitable for students operating at or below "F" in GCSE. The Midland Examining Group provide a bespoke assessment framework, moderation and certification for "Science Plus". It leads to the award of a bronze, silver or gold Certificate of Achievement in Science, which is approved by the SCAA and is compatible with the requirements for Entry Level National Awards, as published in the Dearing 16-19 Report.

The course is divided into 33 items (11 from each of Sc2-4). These items are self-standing and can be taken in any order to shadow GCSE courses.;This text is one of two pupil books which cover the content required by the end-of-item tests. It contains discussion questions and highlighted key words. All scientific terms are described in the glossary at the back of the book.

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Author(s)Jenny Jones
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Shelf referenceA 500.1 JON
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