CDT in context

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This student text aims to provide a structured but flexible foundation course for 11-14 year olds, together with a sound basis for all Craft, Design and Technology (CDT) GCSE options. It is designed to help students develop the skills of problem-solving, as well as skills in research, formulation of a brief, analysis, generating ideas, modelling and planning, realization and evaluation. The book presents over 40 projects which are divided into three levels, moving from teacher-directed assignments in level A, to more open-ended assignments requiring greater pupil involvement in level C. It also includes a full colour section using work taken from both students and professional designers to show the use of good graphic presentation.

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Subject(s)Design and technology
Author(s)David Williamson, ‎ Tricia Sharpe
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Shelf referenceA 600.1 WIL
Direct URL

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