Resources by Department for Education

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Displaying 411 - 420 of 541

Standards Files

The current Standards files from the National Strategies are based on work planned and assessed in relation to the 1999 National Curriculum programme of study. A new set of Standards files based on the 2008 National Curriculum were in production, but this set will provide useful guidance on making Assessing Pupils...

STEM and Economic Wellbeing

These tools have been produced for the Department for Education by the Centre for Science Education. The materials are for STEM and economic wellbeing curriculum leaders, teachers and support staff working together to meet the needs of their learners. They will also be useful for STEM and economic wellbeing...

STEM Baseline Survey - Summary Report

This ...

STEM Careers Awareness Guides

These STEM Careers Awareness Guides were designed to provide STEM teachers and careers advisers with an overview of the 'See where they can take you' campaign. This aimed to improve the quality of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) careers guidance for students, to help them make informed post-...

STEM Choices: a Resource Pack

This pack from the Department for Education was developed for careers education and information, advice and guidance (IAG) practitioners to support their work in engaging tutors, subject teachers, personal and careers advisers in the business of STEM careers awareness.

The resources are designed to boost the...

STEM Choices: Equality and Diversity - Ethnicity

This publication from the Department for Education addresses the issue of equality and diversity in the STEM workforce which is not yet truly representative. It examines the number of ethnic minority students studying STEM subjects and undertaking STEM-related careers.

The publication looks at approaches...

STEM Choices: Equality and Diversity - Gender

This publication from the Department for Education publication explores the issue of a significant gender imbalance in the STEM workforce, barriers to choosing STEM subjects and gender disparity. A list of suggestions to make STEM careers advice more women - friendly is also provided.

STEM Choices: Equality and Diversity Strand Chart

Produced for the Department for Education, this document outlines four levels of school engagement with STEM careers as a basis for planning the development and implementation of the STEM Subject Choice and Careers project.

STEM Choices: National Standards for IAG

This document from the Department for Education refers to the provision of information, advice and guidance (IAG) for young people. IAG covers a range of activities and interventions that help young people to become more self-reliant and better able to manage their personal and career development, including...

STEM Choices: Personal Capabilities

These documents from the Department for Education provide tools to support the development of young students' knowledge and understanding of their personal skills and capabilities.

*Personal Capabilities Framework
This chart presents three domains for personal capability - thinking, self-belief and...


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