Resources by Centre for Science Education

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cre8ate maths

The cre8ate maths project was a CPD initiative for Yorkshire and Humberside teachers of mathematics. It features resources applying maths to key areas of the economy focusing on functional mathematics skills for Key Stage Three students. The project was developed by the Centre for Science Education and the...

Cre8ate Maths: Digital Design - Programming

These Cre8ate maths activities are provided to introduce students to the fundamental processes involved in programming a computer. Students are given drawings, along with the Logo commands which have been used and, by...

This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes all the latest publications from UK educational publishers.

Crystal Shapes 1

This activity from Cre8ate maths explores the rotational symmetry of carefully chosen crystals. Initially students work with plain and coloured nets of cubes may use trial and improvement methods to find different possible rotations of symmetry, before exploring ways to be systematic in their investigation. For...

Crystal Shapes 2

This activity from Cre8ate maths explores Platonic solids, which are formed from regular polygons where all their faces are identical and all their vertices are identical too. Students are told that there are only five platonic solids, which they can build using triangles, squares and pentagons. Completing the...

CSI 5/11 - Murder in the Park

In this Science upd8 activity students perform a CSI investigation to find the murderer in the park on Guy Fawkes' Night. They encounter a variety of science on the way, from rocket science to electron energy levels. They learn how those colour-giving electrons that make fireworks so much fun, fit into the atoms...

CSI Whitechapel

This Triple Crossed activity, from the Centre for Science Education and supported by the Astra Zeneca Teaching Trust, follows on from the Jack the Ripper: Whitechapel 1888 activity. Students consider what the police investigators of 1888 would have been able to discover if...


This Science upd8 resource draws on cyclone Sidr which hit Bangladesh in November 2007. Millions were left homeless and 3,000 people were killed. The activity asks students to look at how cyclones happen and addresses the common misconception that air is 'nothing' and weightless.

Dam Algae!

This Problem Solving with Industry module was devised by the Centre for Science Education in collaboration with Yorkshire Water. In this module students study the problem of blue-green algae in an upland reservoir.


Death of an Angel

In this Science upd8 activity students take on the role of forensic science technicians who are acting as expert witnesses for the murder of Angel. By analysing blood splatter patterns, they check whether the murder weapon used was a hammer. They also watch a demonstration of a blood viscosity test to check whether...


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