Resources by Centre for Science Education

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Designing Logos

In this activity from Cre8ate maths students are encouraged to experiment with different kinds of symmetry to create a suitable logo.

There is an exercise in using symmetrical properties to reproduce previously designed logos and this activity is complemented by Creating a logo, which gives students a free...

Did Man Really Walk on the Moon?

This Triple Crossed activity from the Centre for Science Education and supported by the Astra Zeneca Teaching Trust starts with a quiz asking students to answer questions about the history of space exploration.

They are then asked to consider the evidence provided and use it to establish an argument for...

Digital Design

The Cre8ate maths project has provided a set of materials to support the teaching of mathematics in the context of digital design. The resources include Designing Logos, Maths in Art, Programming and Working with Photos, which will involve students in a variety of activities, allowing them to apply their...

Double Blind

This Science upd8 activity draws on clinical trials. Eight young volunteers had been in clinical trials before, but this time things went horribly wrong. Six of the eight were left fighting for their lives. In this discussion activity students consider whether new treatments should be ever tested on human...

Double Crossed

The Double Crossed project was developed by the Centre for Science Education and supported by the Astra Zeneca Teaching Trust as a collaboration between science and history teachers to produce cross-curricular resources.

The project aim was to make science learning more accessible, effective and enjoyable by...

Developed by the Centre for Science Education and supported by the Astra Zeneca Teaching Trust, the Double and Triple Crossed projects aimed to bring science and history together to increase engagement in science through topic based, contextualised learning.

The project enabled thirteen science and history...

Drugs Testing in Sport

In this Triple Crossed activity, from the Centre for Science Education and supported by the Astra Zeneca Teaching Trust, students learn about the history of drug use in sport, the different drugs often used in competitive sports and are then asked to match the drugs to their dangers. A series of sheets are provided...

Earth 2

This Science upd8 resource is set in the context of astronomy. Astronomers have found the most Earth-like planet outside our Solar System. Through analysing data students justify whether or not they believe the 'new' planet to be Earth-like. 

Easy Read Version of Equalities Bill

This booklet presents the key points of the Equality Bill 2009 in an easy-to-read format. It will be useful to teachers and could also be used within citizenship classes.

Eco Tourism

These Cre8ate maths activities involve complex analysis of information, a variety of calculations and the need to handle mixture of units, moving between grams, kilograms and tonnes. These activities are designed to give pupils an insight into the relative cost to the environment of travel and to highlight ways in...


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