Resources by Practical Action

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Transport - technical briefs

These technical briefs focus on ways to transport goods and people in a relatively low cost way. This is important to people in the...

Transport images

A selection of images related to methods of transportation.


Produced by Practical Action, these materials contain ideas and support for students undertaking a CREST award. There are stimulus materials that help students look at an issue of sustainable development. These materials look at provision clean and reliable drinking water. It looks at sustainable systems such as...

Water and sanitation - technical briefs

These technical briefs focus on low cost approaches to accessing clean water and sanitation. This is vital to health and well being and low costs are particularly important to poorer communities in the developing world.

Technical briefs are documents produced by Practical Action which are freely available to...

Water and sanitation images

A selection of images related to water and sanitation.

Water and sanitation videos

Practical Action helps local communities in the developing world gain access to services such as water and sanitation, vital for a decent quality of life. Some examples of how they go about doing this and the technologies involved are demonstrated in these videos:

  • Dying for a drink - solar powered...

Water conservation - concept cartoon

This cartoon help pupils explore environmental issues around accessing, storing and cleaning water. It also looks at the water cycle and the need to save water.
Concept Cartoons are quick, simple and effective. They are designed to intrigue, provoke discussion and stimulate thinking....

Water for the World

This activity looks at water consumption on a local and global scale. Students learn about the main water contaminants and various methods of purification and the role of engineers and their approach to design challenges. The resource aims to inspire an interest in water conservation and to introduce students to...

Water! Water!

This resource requires students to consider where their water comes from and what life would be like if it were not readily available. It examines the importance of the water we use being clean and the consequences if that water is not clean. Students investigate simple ways of making dirty water clean and...

What is the role of a designer?

In this resource a presentation and linked activities provide design and technology teachers with opportunities to highlight the different values and beliefs that designers may hold. Students can engage in exploring their own values about the responsibilities of designers and companies too. The presentation ...


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