Resources by Wellcome Trust

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Learning about the brain from medical history

Medical case studies help neuroscientists understand how our brains work.

Leishmaniasis Life Cycle

Leishmaniasis is a disease caused by protozoan parasite transmitted by the sand fly. Two animations, from the Wellcome Trust, show the life cycle of the parasite.

They illustrate how the leishmania parasites enter the...

Life and death of a cell

How long do cells live and how do cells die?

Life Study - Biology A Level in the 21st Century

This document presents the recommendations and research findings of a report from the Wellcome Trust, published in 2004.

The purpose of the research was to investigate:
• the response of students and teachers to biology A level courses
• factors which made biology a popular option at AS and A...

This item is one of over 25,000 physical resources available from the Resources Collection. The Archive Collection covers over 50 years of curriculum development in the STEM subjects. The Contemporary Collection includes all the latest publications from UK educational publishers.

Linking genes and health

Understanding genes can help with the search for treatments and cures but can also help with understanding how diseases spread.

Little book of fast facts

Each issue of the Big Picture is on a different topic in biology and comes with its own sprinkling of ‘fast facts’, fascinating snippets of information on the topic. This booklet brings together the best of the fast facts from the last fourteen issues, sorted into eight themes, for use in project work, as part of...

Living in space

Living without gravity and the protection of our atmosphere from radiation has serious consequences. How do astronauts manage and what can we learn from them?

Lymphatic Filariasis

Produced by the Wellcome Trust, this animation shows the complete life cycle of tiny parasitic worms as they move between human and mosquito hosts.

Lymphatic filariasis is a disabling disease found in low-income areas...


Explore the structure of lysozyme, and understand why protein folding is so important.


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